Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pictures of Gaborone and University of Botswana

The pictures in this post are from Gaborone. Starting with the top one, here are what they are.
The first one is a combi or the minibuses I have been talking about. They seat around 14 people, and you can only imagine how cramped that is. Next is a picture of the construction site on campus I walk by everyday. They are building some general academic and classroom buildings here. Pretty cool to see the construction each day and its progress. The next picture is close to the same construction area and really close to my dorm. It's the business block or where all business, accounting, marketing classes are held. I also go here sometimes to use the internet at night, until I finally got internet in my room, which is why it's really easy to post pictures now! Also notice all the trash on the ground. It was taken on a Saturday morning and the kids here party until like 8 am and just leave everything on the ground and throw nothing out. Always tons of smashed glass everywhere. Next are two pictures of my dorm room and a picture of the outside of my dorm, nothing too glamorous. Then there is a picture of the hut I stayed in for a week during the strikes at Kagisong which is a village on the outskirts of Gaborone. Finally, this is a picture of the "sprawling downton infrastructure" of Gaborone, or as one travel guide put it. In reality, it's just a few modern buildings, albeit some really cool architecture.
If you all have been keeping up with Zimbabwean news, the Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangiri and his wife's car were hit by a truck on Friday evening in Zimbabwe. His wife unfortunately died in the accident and he is now seeking medical help in Gaborone, which is neat. However, this is very suspicious because many opponents of Robert Mugabe have died under suspicious car crashes before. The former ambassador from the US to Zimbabwe raised serious doubts about the validity of this being "an accident." Many members of Tsvangiri's party, the MDC, are saying it was no accident. This is a crucial time for power sharing development in Zimbabwe, a neighbor to Botswana, so these developments are quite intriguing. If you want more information there is tons on
Also, I saw this morning the Buffalo Bills signed Terrell Owens. This should be one itneresting season. It's a one year contract so I feel Owens will be on his best behavior and skill level so he can try and seek a multi-year offer next year. Let's hope so because the Bills definitely need another receiving threat opposite Lee Evans, although I don't know how good an influence he will be on the much maligned Marshawn Lynch.
I'll post some more pictures later from my travels.

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