Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holy Rain!

This morning I woke up to thunderous amounts of rain pouring down so hard that I could barely see the street behind my dorm. This all started around 645 am and with a class at 8 am, I severly contemplated whether or not I should attempt walking to it, since it's a good 15-20 min walk. But, it started to slow down around 730, so I began the trek to Abstract Algebra through ankle deep puddles and more. However, once I got to class, only 7 people showed up (out of about 35-40) and the professor showed up completely soaked, so he said class wasn't worth it today. Really should have stayed in my room longer I suppose.

This week has gone by fairly well. Not much new has happened besides me trying to plan what to do for spring break, and thus what to do on other weekends. Originally I wanted to go to the Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls, however that is seeming to be longer trip than anticipated and a little costly. Right now I am looking into possibly going to Lesotho for the week. All UB sports go to Lesotho every year (as well as universities in Namibia and South Africa, among others) to compete in tournaments. Other UB students can join by, from what I hear, only paying for transportation, which amounts to about $65 round trip. Lesotho is probably the poorest country in the SADC (South African Development Community, I believe) and thus the most "backwards" of countries. They are sitll very "african" as people would think, with witch doctors and all. It is also the only country in the world whose entire country is 1000m above sea level. It's supposed to be a really gorgeous country. You can take pony rides through the highlands for only about $20 per day. So we will see what options that root.

If anyone has any other cool ideas about places to visit in the immediate area (Botswana, South Africa, etc) let me know! I know Kruger National Park is nearby, as well as Chobe National Park.

Not too much else went on this week, but I will update before the weekend.